Running a team, let alone a remote and hybrid team in the quickly changing world of business is hard. As a business owner when you simplifiy your business operations systems your team will succeed. Hybrid and remote teams need time tracking management software so business owners can understand the costs and expenses of projects and the time it takes to complete them.
The CanTicket time tracking tool automatically appears as a built-in stopwatch for every assignment and removes the need to integrate other costly tools. The only thing to remember is to click on it when starting work, pause it while taking a break – or stop it on task completion.
The CanTicket time tracking feature allows a user to drop a task, pause the timer and move seamlessly to pick up another on their list – with the same time recording function capturing their work hours over days, weeks, and months.
One of the most stunning features, worthy of further mention, of the CanTicket project management app, is a graphic timeline on each task page. This visual tool displays the user profile, the time and date of each submission, the files, collab links, or messages delivered, and requests for feedback – as a task develops.
The timeline appears once a staff member starts a task by clicking on the green start button on their private task page – and expands as the job progresses. As the user, or users, submit comments and upload deliveries, the timeline develops further, offering a transparent, trackable, and graphic representation of individual progress and achievement. Once the task is complete, the admin will be alerted to review and check how well it went and whether it ran to schedule.
If the time spent working was not tracked or timed by the stopwatch feature, the CanTicket time tracking tool allows a user to add extra time to each task. Too often, smaller related assignments like sending emails, placing calls, or performing research are forgotten or ignored – and not counted as part of the work. Untracked time leads to billing discrepancies, unsalaried labor, scheduling inconsistencies, and late project delivery.
Administrators can call up instant reports on individual members or entire departments that provide rapid insights into their progress. Sticking to the planned schedule is an essential target for all projects, big or small, as it affects the cost and overall project performance. Up-to-date reports allow project managers to reallocate tasks that have taken too long to progress. Or add team members – or outsource work to external contractors to stay within the deadline.
Adhering to a schedule is simple with the CanTicket project management tool’s easy-functioning home screen side menu that places tasks in separate categories based on their priority, stage of development, and deadline.
Within the first category: All Tasks, there are four subcategories: Active Jobs, Completed Jobs, High Priority Jobs, and Overdue Jobs, distinctly colour highlighted to make them clear and noticeable on every work page.
All team members have access to a task page, where allocated tasks appear with four subcategories displayed in blocks at the top, displaying red icons notifying the user of the number of jobs due for delivery – and their priority.
There are menu tabs for High Priority tasks, Overdue Tasks, Tasks for Review, Tasks for Invoicing, Tasks needing Feedback, Completed Tasks, and Tasks for Invoicing. Each will show an unmissable red notification icon signifying the number of tasks remaining for the user’s attention. This function enables workers to stick to their schedules, finalise priority tasks on time and deliver promptly.